There seems no end to the number of websites and blogs about books, writing and publishing. I guess that's not surprising. People who write and publish words and ideas are going to do it on every platform possible. But some of it, to be frank, is either crap advice or hysterical or of the Disneyland school of thought (if you want to be a famous author, just follow your dreams and it will happen - even if you can't write to save yourself - so all you need to worry about is what to wear on Oprah).
So in the middle of this overwhelming waterfall of information, where do you start?
Here are some sources I've either found useful or checked out to make sure they make some sort of sense. They are all free, but I strongly suggest that writers at any stage of their career invest in joining a local writers' centre or society of authors.
Writing advice and ideas:
Some helpful websites of writing tips and advice from experienced authors.
Writers' Hub (Birkbeck, UK): news, reviews, interviews
Best-selling author Sara Douglass (Australia) shares her experience of the business of writing and the editing/publishing process
Writing World (US): lots of short articles for people starting out and hoping to get published
Write101 (Australia): it's been around a long time, and chock full of advice
Literary liaisons is aimed at romance writers, but also offers a great list of resources for writers of historical fiction
Allen and Unwin's writing centre (Australia)
Authors' associations and writers' centres:
Trusted and authoritative sources of information and support.
Australian Society of Authors
NZ Society of Authors
UK Society of Authors
European Writers' Congress
US Authors Guild
Australian Writers Centres
International PEN
Getting published:
There are a billion sites and blogs on this topic, of varying quality, so here are just a few.
ASA Guide (Australia - PDF)
VWC advice (Australia)
Society of Authors advice (NZ)
Help! I need a publisher (UK)
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