Monday, August 07, 2006

Sleepless in ... where am I?

It's late. I shouldn't be doing this. I can hardly see. Slits for eyes. Been staring at a computer for what seems like years.
The days when I'm working at my day job start at 6.30am (cup of tea delivered to the bedside, thank you very much). Catch the ferry at 8, office by 9, ready for the second cup of coffee by 10 - usually ready for lunch by about 10.15.
Home on the 6.30 ferry. Dark. Wet. Cold. I hate winter.
Tonight: homework. Who ever knew there was so much to consider about picture books? I've stared at Max in Where the Wild Things Are for so long I want to slap him and put him to bed early.
I wish I could play on the monkey bars with Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge or go on a bear hunt with Helen Oxenbury. Today I was at the Children's Bookshop in Ponsonby and someone very small was chanting rather loudly in amongst all the books: "Oh no! We can't go under it. We can't go over it..."
There are worse things to have to do, I know. People look at you very strangely on the ferry when they are reading the latest Dan Brown and you are reading the latest Anthony Browne. And laughing.
But now my eyeballs are falling out of my skull so I must stop.
That's all by way of a long-winded explanation of why I can't think or blog about anything else this week.
Although I do love this exchange from the John Irving/Stephen King/JK Rowling session in New York, which inevitably focused on poor old Harry and his imminent or otherwise demise:
King recalled that when he had a character kick a dog to death in his novel Dead Zone he received more letters of complaint than ever, to his surprise.
"You want to be nice and say 'I'm sorry you didn't like that', but I'm thinking to myself number one, he was a dog not a person, and number two, the dog wasn't even real," he said.
"I made that dog up, it was a fake dog, it was a fictional dog, but people get very, very involved," King said.
Rowling noted that Irving had killed off many more characters than she had.
"When fans accuse me of sadism, which doesn't happen that often, I feel I'm toughening them up to go on and read John and Stephen's books," she said.
"I think they've got to be toughened up somehow. It's a cruel literary world out there."

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